DigitalOcean Droplets

Droplet Backup Disabled

Risk Level: High


This plugin ensures DigitalOcean droplet's backup is enabled. Droplets can have backups in the form of snapshots that create a point-in-time image based on the current state of a Droplet. To avoid data loss, it is recommended to have backups for all Droplets.

About the Service :

Droplets - Droplets in DigitalOcean are linux-based virtual servers which are part of their Infrastructure as a service. A droplet represents a single server which can be created within a few minutes and can be removed after the task is finished. These droplets are scalable as per the workload and can easily be monitored.

Impact : 

In the absence of backups for droplets, data stored in it will be lost permanently on the termination of droplets.

Steps to Reproduce :

  1. Login to the digitalocean console.
  2. Select Droplets under the MANAGE section.
  3. Select the droplet to be checked.
  4. The droplet screen will open, from the menu given at the side, click on Backups. t
  5. If the enable backup option is seen, go to the Steps for Remediation section.
  6. Repeat the process for other droplets as well.

Steps for Remediation :

  1. Login to the digitalocean console.
  2. Select Droplets under the MANAGE section.
  3. Select the droplet to be checked.
  4. The droplet screen will open, from the menu given at the side, click on Backups. t
  5. Click on the enable backup option and the backup will be enabled for the droplet. 
  6. Repeat the process for other non-backed up droplets as well.